Cultivation Archives

Is it worth it to grow your own weed? It’s a question many cannabis consumers start asking once states legalize and they gain the legal right to pop a few pot seeds at home. 

These grow-curious individuals often ask friends who are cannabis growers about the financial benefits of growing your own, and whether the savings justify the additional work, setup, and commitment. But the benefits of growing go far beyond the impact they have on your wallet.

For those considering their first grow, understanding the benefits and potential savings of growing cannabis at home can help you make an informed decision for your situation.

If you read this article in full, you will understand all of the benefits of growing your own at home and be able to decide if growing your own cannabis is right for you.

The 8 Benefits of Growing Cannabis at Home

As hinted at, there are plenty of reasons to grow your own weed at home in addition to the financial savings that it can offer. 

This includes the tangible reward of enjoying your own harvests, as well as the compounding benefits of learning and new skill development. 

Below you’ll find eight reasons growing cannabis at home is worth it, and why I recommend anyone interested in this hobby give it a try.

Understanding the Plant and Legal Products

Growing cannabis at home provides an in-depth understanding of the plant and the various products derived from it. 

By caring for your own cannabis plants, you learn what it takes to produce that eighth of dry flower, those grams of concentrates, those different types of edibles, and more. You learn what goes into making all of the legal products you have access to, and you learn whether you prefer to do it yourself or rely on a manufacturer for cost-prohibitive processes like filling vapes. 

This hands-on experience offers valuable knowledge about the plant’s life cycle and the effort required to produce high-quality cannabis.

A New Way to Enjoy Cannabis

For longtime cannabis consumers, growing at home offers a new way to explore their relationship with this special plant.

It allows you to interact with the plant beyond consumption and without consumption, creating a deeper connection and appreciation for cannabis. 

Non-consumers who enjoy gardening or caring for houseplants can also benefit from growing cannabis, adding an “exotic” element to their horticultural pursuits. 

For example, I had a woman in my GrowHort class that was 65 years old, who doesn’t smoke, had 50 houseplants, and simply wanted to try growing this newly legal option (she ended up buying a second grow tent because she loved it so much!).

Health Benefits of Hobbies

Engaging in hobbies like cannabis cultivation is good for our health, both physically and mentally

In addition to the physical labor of lifting pots, water jugs, and bags of soil, hobbies promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills, inspire passion and creativity, and encourage continuous learning. 

Additionally, hobby communities are strong. Growing your own can provide added social benefits as you connect with other growers, offering a new opportunity for common ground, discussions, and shared experiences.

Financial Savings

One of the main reasons many people consider growing is the potential financial savings compared to regularly purchasing your pot from someone else. 

A modest indoor grow setup, such as a 2’x4’x6’ tent, can save you thousands of dollars annually. For instance, according to a detailed analysis, such a setup could save up to $5,969.76 per year if you’re buying and smoking an ounce a week. 

These savings hold true even if you smoke less or have to buy weed while you figure out the growing process. All new growers have to buy weed until their first harvest, but even when you account for those purchases, there’s still room to save. 

Although you will need to purchase cannabis initially while waiting for your first harvest, eventually you’ll get to a point where you are self-sufficient and the long-term savings make home cultivation a worthwhile investment.

Oversight of the Entire Process

Growing cannabis at home gives you complete control over the cultivation process from seed to smoke. 

When you buy cannabis, one of the biggest mysteries is how it was grown and cared for prior to being in your possession. You often have no idea about the growing conditions or potential contaminants. As health concerns related to legal weed continue to rise, growing is an option that puts you in control of every aspect. 

By growing your own, you ensure that your plants are cultivated without harmful pesticides or experimental remediation, giving you peace of mind about the safety of your cannabis.

Unlimited Unique Strains

In any market—cannabis or otherwise—consumers are limited by suppliers. You can choose from what’s available, which is usually based on what the majority of the market wants. 

Home cultivation removes this limitation and allows you to explore an unlimited variety of cannabis strains, including those not readily available in dispensaries. Because you can grow cannabis from seed, and pop any seed you want, you can grow whatever you want. 

And even if you choose to grow popular strains, you have the opportunity to discover unique versions of those same crosses that offer distinct flavors, aromas, and effects. 

This ability to fully customize your cannabis experience is one of the biggest advantages of growing your own cannabis at home.

Skill Development and Ancillary Benefits

As you learn to grow cannabis, you also develop other valuable skills that can help you in your personal and professional life. 

As a grower who has to care for his plants while also managing a workload and relationship, time-blocking became an essential tool for me to ensure that my grow received the attention needed without impacting the rest of my schedule.

Additionally, as you learn to grow, you may document that journey in writing, photos, or videos. These skills can serve you in your professional life, or offer side hustle opportunities as a freelancer with experience capturing the industry from a unique perspective.

For example, you might grow for a few years, decide to teach others, and end up creating a course or hosting live demonstrations as I did with my Hobby Grow efforts. Or, you might find that your ability to oversee your grow lends itself to strengths in project and operations management, which could benefit you in a variety of industries and pursuits. 

These ancillary skills increase your value across all aspects of your life. Enhancing your overall experience and opening up new opportunities for personal and professional growth outside of the home grow.

Homegrown Cannabis

It goes without saying that, at the end of your grow, you’ll also get to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Consuming homegrown cannabis is a different level of enjoyment. You put in all the work to get that crop from seed to smoke, and when you finally get to light up, all of those hours, dollars, and lessons become worth it.

They call it a Type II high. Type I highs are immediate–like the effects from smoking. Type II highs come from taking the harder route and seeing the results of your efforts–like building a shed or mowing the lawn. It’s the satisfaction you get from seeing the difference your efforts made to get the results you want. 

When you smoke your own harvests, you get the best of both types of highs.

Growing your own cannabis at home is worth it

Growing cannabis at home is absolutely worth it, both from a financial perspective and for the intangible benefits it offers. 

The knowledge gained, the connection to the plant, and the satisfaction of cultivating your own cannabis make it a fulfilling hobby that many enjoy for a lifetime. 

By growing your own cannabis, you not only save money but also gain control over the entire cultivation process, ensuring the highest quality product. The skills and knowledge acquired through home cultivation are invaluable and can enhance your appreciation for cannabis, as well as help you achieve success in unrelated pursuits. 

If you’re considering starting your first grow, the advantages far outweigh the initial investment and effort.


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