Autoflower’s FAQ’s

Autoflower seeds are a unique type of cannabis seed that doesn’t rely on changes in light to start flowering. Unlike photoperiod seeds that need specific light and dark cycles to transition from the vegetative phase to flowering, autoflower seeds start to flower based on their age rather than light.

This makes them a great choice for beginners or growers seeking a more straightforward cultivation process. Autoflowers are also known for their compact size, fast growth, and ability to thrive in a variety of climates – making them a solid choice for indoor, outdoor, and greenhouse grows.

To grow autoflower seeds, simply begin by germinating the seeds and then starting them in their final container, which should feature a well-aerated medium as well as a balanced nutrient mix to prevent burn.

Autoflowers thrive under a “vegetative” light cycle, which usually consists of 18 hours on and 6 hours off or 20 hours on and 4 hours off each day. They also prefer a stable environment in terms of temperature, airflow, and humidity, as well as a consistent watering schedule. It can be helpful to aim for low 80s temperatures and 40-60% relative humidity to promote healthy growth.


Yes. Autoflower seeds are often recommended for beginners. They offer a simpler growing experience due to their resilience, shorter growth cycles, and lack of dependency on light schedules – making them easier to take from seed to harvest when compared to other types of cannabis seeds.

However, beginners should still aim to provide optimal care, including a consistent light source, adequate nutrients, and a stable environment to maximize their grow.


Yes. Autoflower plants can produce cannabis seeds once they have reached full maturity, but the process isn’t as straightforward as it might seem. For an autoflower plant to produce more autoflower seeds, it needs to be pollinated, typically by another autoflower plant.

Most growers looking for a reliable and consistent experience purchase their autoflower seeds from reputable breeders. However, for those interested in creating their own seeds, it requires an advanced approach to cannabis breeding and pollination to ultimately maintain the autoflowering trait.

Autoflowers are renowned for their quick turnaround time, generally taking about 8 to 12 weeks from seed to harvest. This rapid growth cycle is a major draw for many growers and has helped boost the overall popularity of autoflower plants.

This quick timeline also allows for multiple harvests in a single growing season, making autoflowers a favored choice for those who want faster results.


Autoflower and feminized seeds refer to different aspects of cannabis cultivation. Autoflower seeds automatically flower after a certain period, regardless of light schedules, while feminized seeds are bred to produce only female plants, which are the ones that produce the desirable cannabis buds.

Autoflower seeds can also be feminized, meaning they have the ability to offer the benefits of both traits – female plants that flower automatically. This combination is a favorite of growers looking for ease of cultivation and ultra-reliable harvests.


Autoflower seeds, like most cannabis seeds, can remain viable for several years if stored correctly. For the best results, keep them in a cool, dark, and dry place, such as a sealed container placed in the low-humidity drawer of a refrigerator.
Proper storage can help maintain their germination potential for 3-30+ years, though older seeds may experience a gradual decline in viability.